So there's this boy.
Yep, I'm going to annoy you all with this shit. Sorry I'm NOT sorry.
Ugh. Guys, I don't know what the hell is going on with me. It's like I'm stuck. Stuck going back and forth. I am so bipolar with this situation it just isn't funny.
This boy - this STUPID BOY is the kind of boy who won't text you back forever. Like he will seriously wait 3 days to text you back. And then what? I don't even remember why I even wanted to talk to you in the first place!!! But of course you're gonna have ONE full convo with me that's really sweet :) & when we actually hang out? Sweetest guy ever. No joke. Outgoing and just...great. Texting? Not so good at it. So of course this dramatic change in demeanor forces my mind to go crazy on me. As if I wasn't already crazy enough.
Here's how it goes, guys:
Day One: We hang out for couple of hours.
Yayyyy so much fun he's so great :))))))))))))))) I think there might be something there?!!?!?!??!?!??!??
Week One: It's okay if he doesn't text me right away because we just saw each other and everythings great! Woohoo!
Week Two: Am I texting him too much? He works a lot so I guess he just doesn't have the time. But the least he could do is think of something better to say than "k" like for real? Are you kidding?
(One word texts annoy the shit out of me if you didn't already know. I once thew my phone across the room after getting one. Wouldn't ya know, it was from this guy too....)
Week Three: He's such an ass I can't believe I ever liked him like seriously he's probably got like 5 other girls he hangs out with not to mention he is SO NOT over his ex. I'm just not good enough that's what it is. He'll never like me and even if he does I'll never know he's too shy to tell me or act like it when all we do is text. -cue friends telling me I should just call him or try to hang out with him more and whatnot- okayokay I'll do it, they're right........Oh wait I'm too much of a pussy, that's right. FML. Can't deal with thissssssss I hateeeee myyyy lifeeeeeeeeeee
Week Four:
"Wanna hang out tonight?"
"Be there at 12"
-hang out-
He's such a sweetheart :) seriously nicest guy I've ever known like I'm so ridiculous for thinking all that stuff about him LOLOLOLOL @ ME.
REPEAT. Literally.
Mmmmhmm betcha thought I was kidding about the bipolar thing, right? NOPE. Completely cereal. I'm not sure how I'm going to break this vicious cycle, but I guess I'm gonna have to figure it out. Because I'm making myself dizzy going back and forth.
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