About Me

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I'm Jessie:) this blog is sometimes about nothing and sometimes about everything I can think of that day. It really depends on what's going on in my life. Call it selfish to think people want to know about me so much, but I'm just putting myself out there in case anyone cares :)

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Being "That Age"

For all you kids who can't WAIT to turn 18....don't sweat it. Life is not so great when you're 18. What can you do? You can buy cigarettes and pretend you're parents can't control you (but good luck paying for college and a place to live without their help!) You can't buy alcohol, and you most definitely cannot find any damn clubs that you can get into without a fake!

What brought these thoughts up? Ohhh nothing just walking around the east side for an hour trying to find an 18+ club that my friend and I could get into. No such luck. Being 18 sucks. You THINK you have all this freedom but in reality, you have nothing more than cancer and a false sense of adulthood.

Yes I am quite bitter towards my age tonight. I have a blister between my toes from my shoes that kills, dirty feet, and all for nothing. God, how I hate it when people say this but.....SMH. I have never said FML so much in one night before!

Sorry for the rant, but I had to put this out there. This all being said, anyone know of some 18+ clubs that are good to go to? I am not trying to wait until I'm 21 to enjoy myself. Let me know! :)


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