About Me

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I'm Jessie:) this blog is sometimes about nothing and sometimes about everything I can think of that day. It really depends on what's going on in my life. Call it selfish to think people want to know about me so much, but I'm just putting myself out there in case anyone cares :)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Different :)

Well, this post is going to be a far cry from one of my posts from just the other day.

Turns out, that guy wasn't who I thought he was. And, surprisingly, I'm okay with that. This is the first time in a long time I've been able to get over someone so quickly. I mean, I guess it isn't THAT quickly considering the back-and-forth I put myself through thinking about it. But normally after admitting defeat I would sulk for a few days...months......well yeah I would basically be a mess for awhile.

Not this time.

This time, I'm putting it behind me. Why should who I like dictate how I live my life? The days when I'm happy or the days when I'm sad? Why should one person decide those emotions for me? They shouldn't.

Easier said than done, right? Right. I of all people would understand that. I think the last time I didn't have a crush on someone was in the "boys are icky" stage of my life. Since then there's always been someone.

However at the moment, I can honestly say that I'm not stressing about it. Why do I want that added stress on me? (Believe me, it's a lot of stress). It's actually a very freeing feeling not having someone to crush on. It isn't what you focus on during the day and you're able to get more things done, tolerate more people for longer periods of time. I enjoy it :)

I'm at a point in my life right now where being single is the best thing for me. And by single I don't just mean not in a relationship I mean fully single, not worrying about having a boyfriend or even hooking up. It doesn't exactly interest me right now.

But that's right now. You know me. This could change tomorrow ;)


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